Laying to sleep
Over weary
When Light in A Vision
Flashed blinding
Opening my eyes
Instantly I stood
The Sacred Mountain
Perched upon
The Roof of The World
Awed Awesome
Standing inspired
Tall spires reaching
Touching the Heavens
Streaked the skies
Bearing caravanning clouds
Endless wheeling stars
At The Peak
Around sat
Many women
Motherly Maternal
Each and All
They sat
Rocking chanting
Our oldest Songs
Each and all
Was on terraced step
Links in a chain
Reaching into the Earth
From all sides
Flowed waterfalls
Cascading their Love
From here
Runs the very Source
Of every Great River
In the World
And as precious waters fell
Sublime sounds rose
Beyond beautiful
With senseless eyes and ears
I follow the musical notes
Flitting up, up, up
Ever higher
And there at the Summit
I espy a woman
Sitting simple unkept
unadorned, unknown
Beautiful serenity crowned Her
Her Face alit with Grace
She was crying Great Tears
Spilling as crystal rivulets
Her Prayers uttered
Turning into liquid Gold
Rays are Her
Blues, Golds, Crimsons
She beaming The Sacred Rainbow
And She is gone
A whoosh of dazzling brightest
Down off The Holy Mountain
Across the whole sky
Arcs a triple rainbow
A special message sent
A Perfect Prayer received
I saw then the next Mother
Sitting on the terraced step below
Smile beatifically gorgeous
And Arise to take another step
She was followed
By each other mother
Taking one further step
Up the eternal terrace
I knew
I know
These are Our Mothers
The Mothers of The World
For The Mothers
I have had so many
And then there are Some… Image: Mother of The World by Nicholas Roerich - 1937